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Mastervolt 的沃尔沃环球帆船赛系统令 Privateer Trawler 船主信服

来源:Mastervolt蓄电池 发布时间:2024-11-26 10:49:27 点击:
Bol 先生是美丽的 Privateer Trawler 50 Bolwerk 的船主,在寻找完美的电力系统时,他并没有听取任何人的建议。在咨询了项目经理 Henk Boer 后,他被转介给了 2015-16 沃尔沃环球帆船赛布鲁内尔队的岸上经理 Arjen van Gent。该系统的基本原理是采用与 VOR 船上使用的相同的锂离子 Mastervolt 技术。

在此背景下,业主和建筑商共同寻找最紧凑的解决方案,但仍能充分独立于电网。另一个重要的用户要求是快速充电时间,这将使发电机的运行时间降至最低:这导致选择全电动车载系统。根据 Arjen van Gent 的建议,Bolwerk 的所有者很快就确信所有锂离子电池,包括为尾推进器供电的电池,都应该由 Mastervolt 制造。

最先进的电气系统,方便直观地监控和操作,包括与 B&G 导航屏幕的链接。 
高充电能力:整个服务电池组由六个MLI 24/5000(并联)组成,可在很短的时间内从岸上或发电机充电至 100%。 
发电机的运行时间有限:两台 Alpha 交流发电机在给电池充电的同时为连接的用电设备供电,进一步减少了发电机的运行时间。 
充电源从锂离子电池接收所有必需的电池信息。该系统旨在保护电池:防止过度充电,甚至在充电过程中监控和补偿电缆损耗。这会导致每次 100% 的有效负载。 
由于负载较大,电池电压为 24 V。导航、系统数据监控和电力电子设备通过单个显示屏进行操作。

逆变器/充电器:3x Mass Combi Ultra 24/3500-100
Privateer Trawler 50 Bolwerk 上的系统由三个并联的 Mass Combi Ultra 组成,逆变器总容量为 10.5 kW,电池总电量为 300 安培。 Mastervolt 的 Mass Combi Ultra 是集电池充电器、逆变器和交流传输系统于一体的产品。所有能源,例如发电机、岸电或电池,都可以连接。 Combi 自动调节和分配电力,无缝连接可用电源。这可确保电池始终充电,并且用户可以信赖船上稳定的交流电压。

Batteries: 7x MLI Ultra 24/5000 (of which one for the sternthruster)
The high charging capacity of the system ensures that the entire user battery bank of six MLI 24/5000 batteries connected in parallel (30 kWh/1080 Ah) can charge to 100 % within a very short time. Thanks to the ingenious internal AC transfer system included in the Mass Combi Ultra, the battery bank can also be charged fully automatically, both from the shore and with the generator. This means that Bolwerk has a kind of floating power plant on board. Lithium Ion technology was also chosen for the sternthruster because of its low weight, small dimensions and extremely high efficiency.

Power generation: 2x Alpha 24/150 alternators + 2x Alpha Pro charge regulator
两个推进发动机上安装了两台 Mastervolt 的高输出交流发电机,每个发电机的电流为 150 安培。相应的 Alpha Pro 充电调节器可确保高效的三步充电,以便电池在行驶过程中也能以 300 安培的电流进行充电和维持。交流发电机还可以在电池充电的同时向连接的用电设备供电,从而进一步缩短发电机的运行时间。

Thanks to communication via MasterBus, the Lithium Ion batteries can easily be linked to all Mastervolt charging sources, providing those sources with all relevant information on the batteries. As a result, the batteries are charged safely and efficiently at all times. This unrivalled system concept preserves batteries, which cannot be overcharged as their status is continuously monitored. Even cable losses are passed on by the batteries and compensated for by the charging sources to ensure an exceptionally efficient charging process.

Digital switching: 5x Output Interface, 4x Signal Interface, 2x Switch Control Interface, 1x CZone MasterBus Bridge Interface, 1x CZone Network Bridge Interface
The Privateer 50 Bolwerk is equipped with an advanced CZone digital transfer system, allowing the entire system to be controlled with only a few buttons.

The CZone system ensures, for example, that the generator automatically comes online to charge the battery bank whenever it is almost empty.
Fans in the engine compartment are automatically switched on by CZone when the temperature becomes too high.
B&G navigation screens are integrated with the system. This makes it possible to operate and monitor the CZone digital transfer system and the Mastervolt power system entirely from these screens. CZone and MasterBus are linked through a CZone MasterBus Bridge Interface, with optimal transparency guaranteed!
Monitoring: EasyView 5
This waterproof system monitor with a screen that is legible in daylight is easy to read and operate. Thanks to the colour touchscreen and multilingual menu, the screen is a pleasure to use. The easily customisable ‘favourites’ pages display all relevant system information at a glance.

Other system components
11 kW generator;
1 x AGM 12/70 starter battery;
4 x AGM 12/130 starter batteries;
1 x ChargeMaster 24/30-3 for charging and maintenance of sternthruster battery and starter batteries;
1 x Mass GI 7; lightweight isolation transformer for the safe use of shore power, vital in preventing electrolysis and corrosion;
1 x MasterBus USB Interface;
1 x power cord 32 A, 25 m, 4 mm2;
1 x不锈钢岸电入口,2+PE,32 A/230 V;
7 x 500 A安全继电器:安装外部安全继电器是必要的,可以确保您的电池系统的安全;
17 个带 T 级保险丝的保险丝座。