Cloud computing and web hosting can seem similar because these two types of services can have very similar kinds of setups and deliver a lot of the same results. However, there are some critical differences between cloud computing and web hosting services that have to do with the technical definition of each.
Web hosting is simply the process of offering remote location and maintenance for files and server space used to support web projects. Conventional kinds of web hosting include services where individual users can build and store small websites with a web hosting provider, and enterprise web hosting, where businesses enter into contracts with third parties like internet service providers to host their sites.
Cloud computing can also support remote web hosting. The definition of cloud computing services involves the connection of clients to vendors through wireless or IP connected networks. In cloud computing, a client sends data to a vendor through an abstract network trajectory called "the cloud." Data is then stored and maintained on remote servers owned and operated by the vendors.
In general, cloud computing services that include web hosting can be an alternative to other traditional kinds of web hosting that are not based on cloud computing principles. One of the biggest differences could be called a "single client" versus "multitenant" approach. Cloud computing services that include web hosting are usually multitenant. That means that the files and data resources of multiple clients are housed on the same server. This provides flexibility and on-demand services for individual clients, so that providers can scale up or scale down delivery easily.
By contrast, dedicated web hosting will involve a web hosting company serving only one client on any given server. This provides more individual security and a more focused approach to serving an individual customer.
Web 托管只是为用于支持 Web 项目的文件和服务器空间提供远程定位和维护的过程。传统类型的网络托管包括个人用户可以通过网络托管提供商构建和存储小型网站的服务,以及企业网络托管,企业与互联网服务提供商等第三方签订合同来托管其网站。
云计算还可以支持远程网络托管。云计算服务的定义涉及通过无线或IP 连接网络将客户端与供应商连接起来。在云计算中,客户端通过称为“云”的抽象网络轨迹将数据发送给供应商。然后,数据在供应商拥有和运营的远程服务器上存储和维护。
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